Case Study

qPlay - Product Development


Game Nights with Virtual Buzzing Excitement

Quantana’s mission with qPlay is to revolutionise game nights with a virtual buzzer app that infuses a game show ambience into fun quizzes and engaging activities.

By addressing the challenge of scorekeeping and inclusion, we aimed to make interactive game sessions more organised and entertaining for friends and families. 

+ 0 K
Total Participants
0 /5
Users Rating
+ 0
Daily Fun Facts
Visualising the exponential growth in team engagement and participation over time with our qPlay App.

Turning Game Nights into Interactive Showdowns

qPlay, the brainchild of Quantana’s Mobile App Development expertise.

The app introduces an innovative solution for virtual game nights. With a focus on inclusivity and score management, this app gives you a game show-like experience while you enjoy a fun quiz with family and friends. 

App Usage Distribution
Usage across various types of games and activities offered by the qPlay App.
Where Virtual Game Nights Ignite Excitement

Engage remotely with a fair buzzer app with seamless scoring and immersive game night experiences.


Scorekeeper Dilemma

At Quantana, our weekly tradition of Friday fun sessions were designed to bring our remote team members together for a shared gaming experience.

While these virtual game nights offered a much-needed outlet for connection, the challenges of scorekeeping emerged as a hindrance to player’s participation and enjoyment. As team members enthusiastically participated in group games over video calls, one person often volunteered as a scorekeeper.

This inevitably excluded them from fully enjoying the interactive session.

The need for a better, more inclusive solution became evident as the desire to foster a fair and engaging gaming environment grew. 


Redefining Virtual Gaming Experience

The quest to address these challenges led Quantana to conceptualise qPlay, a visionary solution that would redefine the dynamics of virtual game nights.

Rooted in the idea of introducing a buzzer app that ensures fairness, excitement, and efficient management, our solution emerged during one of our virtual Friday fun sessions. We recognised the value of creating an app that would allow participants to engage in a lively showdown while providing the host with the tools to maintain order and track scores.

We now look ahead to version 2.0 incorporating built-in games, enhancing the diversity of interactive experiences and bridging the gap between virtual and physical gameplay for a more inclusive gaming future. 

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